Not everyone can pull off tattoos because of various reasons. However, it doesn’t mean that you can only resort to temporary wet-and-peel tattoos or painted body-art. One particular local designer took it one step further and created edgy tees and dresses with tattoo-inspired graphics.
Marilyn, the owner of Wild Rose Tattoo Clothing since 2005, began designing tattooed mesh for dancers, singers, and actors to enhance their appearances for certain performances. However, because anyone can wear it, it can naturally be considered streetwear as well. The beauty of the printed mesh is that it creates a perfect, seamless illusion that the tattoo is on the body. How we helped enhance the experience was by first doing test prints to check that the artwork and colours are satisfactory and approved by our client. It is crucial to have an approved sample to work from and refer back to during production.
To see what Wild Rose has to offer, check out these links here: /
We are dedicated to providing the best sublimation printing services possible, so get inspired and get creative!